The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is giving N4 million Grants each to small businesses. As you read on, we will outline how you can apply for the ongoing N4 Million GAIN Grant Fund
The Swiss-based NGO foundation was founded in 2002 to improve the consumption of nutritious and safe foods for all.
It has recently called on small businesses in the nutritious food & agriculture sector to apply for its Microgrant.
Also Read: FG SMEDAN N50 Billion Grant Scheme Begins
Agribusinesses are vital to Nigeria and contribute significantly to employment generation, food security, and economic development.
However, access to finance has been a persistent challenge for agribusinesses in the country, limiting their growth and potential impact.
One primary obstacle faced by agribusinesses in Nigeria is financing for innovative agribusiness solutions. High interest rates offered by banks and other financial institutions, among other factors, are barriers for agribusinesses seeking loans in Nigeria.
Also Read: Nigeria Export-Import (NEXIM) Bank Loan Application
Through its Strengthening Nutrition in Priority Staples (SNiPS) Project, GAIN seeks to provide an opportunity for over 40 nutritious food businesses to access micro-grant funding in Nigeria.
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Grants requirements
To qualify for the ongoing Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) N4m grants, below are the requirements for you to be eligible.
- Nationality: Must be a Nigerian
- Age: Above the age of 18 years
- Grant Target Groups: Food Processors, Farmer’s AFarmer’sons or Cooperative Societies
- Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC): Businesses must be registered with CAC
- Qualification: any (Diploma Bachelor’sBachelor’sster’s DMaster’sctoral Degree Others)
- Business Name: The name of your business as registered with CAC
- Business Address: A detailed address of where you run your business
How to apply For the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Grants Scheme
To apply for the ongoing Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Scheme, all interested applicants must visit the GAINN Application portal here. And Provide all required information.